Bienvenidos al AMERICAN CENTER. Aquí encontrarán información sobre nuestra institución, sus metas y objetivos, aportaciones de nuestros colaboradores y alumnos, notas de los profesores nuestro álbum fotográfico y muchas cosas más que serán de su interés.

En American Center, nuestro principal objetivo es el desarrollo integral del alumno, a través de experiencias educativas enfocadas a las distintas áreas de la personalidad en un ambiente adecuado, lo cual se refleja en la organización y los materiales que se encuentran en el centro educativo.

Además en American Center, el alumno se encuentra en inmersión total en una segunda lengua, el inglés, aprovechando las grandes capacidades de desarrollo del lenguaje de los alumnos.

Asimismo respetamos la manera individual como aprende cada individuo y la promovemos a través de actividades relacionadas con diferentes temas semanales cuidadosamente seleccionados y enriquecidos con material literario afín. Nuestra lengua de enseñanza es el inglés, como una segunda lengua, sin embargo siempre le damos tiempo a los alumnos para familiarizarse con el idioma a la vez que los alentamos a utilizarlo. Nuestros alumnos producen la lengua de manera natural, a un ritmo propio y con fines comunicativos reales dentro de las tareas y actividades que realizan.

Nuestro programa ha sido diseñado para permitir a los pequeños disfrutar el aprendizaje en un ambiente significativo. Al reconocer la gran importancia de las primeras experiencia educativas de los alumnos, nuestro personal busca siempre hacer del quehacer didáctico una experiencia divertida, sencilla e interesante.

Siéntase libre de enviarnos un correo electrónico para cualquier pregunta o comentario o para información sobre inscripciones. No olvide leer las preguntas mas comunes que hacen los padres de familia, así como sus opiniones obtenidas de nuestras encuestas anuales

American Center English Language and Educational Services

Embarking on the adventure of mastering a foreign language is both thrilling and challenging. As a language learner, you may encounter difficulties in finding the most effective ways to enhance your language abilities. Enter the game-changer: coaching for language learners. In a previous article, I shared my personal journey to becoming a language coach and how its personalized approach aligned with my extensive professional experience, personality, and abilities. Now, the question is: Is coaching right for you? Let's explore the advantages of this approach, and you can decide.

What is Coaching?
Coaching is a transformative process where learners are supported in achieving specific personal or professional language goals. Coaches assist and motivate students to make decisions about their language learning journey.

Is Coaching Right for You?
The effectiveness of coaching depends on factors such as individual learning preferences, goals, the coach’s experience and abilities and the coaching methods employed. Consider the following advantages:

Coaching involves tailored sessions based on the learner's specific needs and goals, ensuring effective and targeted learning. It's a customized experience designed to meet your unique needs, led by a highly experienced language specialist, such as myself with a M.S. in Education and 52 years of successful professional activities, who collaborates closely with you throughout the process.

A personal coach provides crucial motivation, encouragement, and accountability for maintaining consistency and overcoming challenges in language learning. The coach acts as a supportive cheerleader, inspiring and motivating you to stay committed to your goals.

Constant Feedback and Guidance:
Coaches offer immediate feedback and guidance, helping learners correct mistakes, refine pronunciation, and improve overall language skills in real time. The coaching approach emphasizes constant assessment and feedback. Goal Setting: Coaches work with learners to set realistic and achievable goals, creating a roadmap for progress and success in language acquisition. The coach guides students through open-ended questions to establish "SMART" goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based). A timeline is thought out, say 6-12 months, perhaps less. Goals can be varied such as making a presentation, attending an international meeting, negotiating, communicating with clients and colleagues around the world, writing effective emails and the like.

Focus on Communication Skills:
Coaching emphasizes practical communication skills, helping learners develop the ability to use the language in real-life situations. Beyond grammar and vocabulary, a language coach focuses on refining conversational, listening, reading, and/or writing skills needed to meet specific personal or professional goals.

Cultural Integration:
A coach offers valuable insights into cultural nuances, enhancing language skills and broadening understanding of the language's context. Cross-cultural business practices are also explored.

Learning to Learn:
Through the coach’s guidance, students learn to take responsibility for their own learning, fostering a sense of ownership. Unlocking Language Potential: A coach serves as a trusted guide, providing a roadmap to language learning success through personalized goals and strategies.

Pace is Customizable:
Environment Can Be Less Intimidating; Engagement is High: This more personal approach helps learners feel comfortable and energized, promoting efficient learning. Choosing the Best Approach for You:

Understand your preferred learning style, whether you thrive in a more traditional structured environment or prefer the flexibility of self-directed learning. Goals: Clarify your language learning goals to determine if coaching's personalized assistance is beneficial to you. Budget: Consider the cost of coaching, with in-person coaching being more expensive than online alternatives which are reasonably priced. Trial Period: Take advantage of trial classes to see if the coaching approach aligns with your needs and preferences. Feedback and Reviews: Seek feedback from others who have used a coach, relying on reviews and testimonials for insights.

The best approach to language learning varies from person to person. Some thrive with coaching, while others prefer traditional self-study or group classes. Be flexible and willing to adapt based on what works best for you. Coaching may be challenging, although beneficial, in a classroom setting, but it can be recommended in most small groups or in one-on-one situations. Remember that the classroom teaching and tutoring approaches are different from coaching in goals and methods. As a language learner, consider integrating coaching into your strategy for a more rewarding and efficient journey toward fluency. Discover how this learner-led process can optimize your language acquisition, enhance communication skills, and support your career advancement. Embrace personalized guidance, stay motivated, and witness the transformation of your linguistic potential into proficiency and fluency with the support of a language coach. Your journey towards effective communication and cultural understanding awaits. Additional references are given here to help you decide if the language coaching approach is right for you and how you can benefit from it.

Lic. Elizabeth Elmer Hudson

Lic Elizabeth Elmer, the General Director of The American Center, has 30 years of experience in all areas of the field of education: teaching, teacher training, research, curriculum development and school administration. It has been her pleasure to have had the opportunity to found our school eight years ago after having served as the General Director of the Mexican American Binational Center, CEMAC, for 15 years preceded by various positions in U.S. and Mexican schools and universities.
She holds two degrees in Education- a Bachelor's from Arizona State University and a Masters from The University of Southern California (USC). She has traveled extensively throughout The Republic of Mexico, The United States, as well as Central America and the Caribbean sharing of herknowledge in conferences and conventions, including The National Association for Educators of Young Children (NAEYC). Our director is a member of various professional organizations including the international honorary group for women, Alpha Delta Kappa. She comes from the State of Arizona and is pleased that her mother, Wilma Elmer, could join her family here in Mexico and share her almost 50 years of teaching know-how with our school as well.
Miss Elmer thanks Mexico for the opportunity to have lived and worked here for these past 28 years.

Lic. Elizabeth Elmer Director

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